
Follow agile principles over following exact steps of some predetermined safety dance.

Scrum as patterns

Scrum as a team patterns for problems & solutions is a good way to think about agile. The scrum patterns have a recommended order of implementation. It starts from stable teams

  1. Stable team
  2. Product owner to lead the vision and developmnet team that can focus on building
  3. Someone to lead the develppment team's learning and adherence to agreed principles.
  4. Backlog of stuff to do that delivers value
  5. Daily adjustments to work plan
  6. Review after some agreed cadence
  7. Shipping in regular increments
  8. Regular reflection and opportunity for introspection

Source [1]



Integrate principles, not processes

– Jeff Goeth

It's time to drain the lake that separates specialites into islands that communicate via boatloads of documents. It's time to create a new terrain one where software is just another aspect of integrated landscape

Lean vs Agile vs Design Thinking





See Shturmovshchina and Udarnik

  1. Scrum book2 ↩︎